Rebuilding an Omnibot2000

I have always loved the looks of the omnibots and have the bigger ones. I found this omnibot on Ebay and I figured that the box like body would be big enough for bigger batteries and bigger brains. Before I started my build I managed to get the omnibot logicboard to run. This is why I made this video, I couldn´t find any good on the internet. On the video the robot is remotecontrolled using the stock remote. I now got one working omnibot2000 and one with a fried brain. The second one is were the fun stuff is going in. Any suggestions on what type of interface board i should use with the ITX board. Currently using a Velleman usb I/O. I also have an ER-1 kit made by Evolution Robotics but its kind of limited.

I Have no programming skills at all. Just tried a little visual basic 6, because i had the CD.


Bumping into stuff!

  • Actuators / output devices: Stock omnibot motors with original 2 speed electronic gearbox
  • Control method: Telepresence or remotecontrolled
  • CPU: Omnibot logic, mini itx with Atom 1.6 Ghz
  • Operating system: Windows XP Pro
  • Power source: 12v 17 Ah, Morex 6-30VDC atx powersupply
  • Programming language: Visualbasic 6
  • Sensors / input devices: Modified logitech4000 usb-webcam
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cool bot, good demo

Cool bot, good demo video!

With no prior skills, I will strongly recomend you the Start Here-project. See top menu.

You will be able to re-use the hardware for this project, and making the start-here bot will teach you.

Start making an LED blink, and take one step at a time!

Have fun :slight_smile:

Motor speed

Not that I’m one to talk, I’ve wrecked over a thousand dollars of hardware so far, but try speeding up the slow arm engines. THey sound strong, but too slow.

I will only use the vintage body!

This is the working bot, it´s controlled by a Velleman K8061 usb interface hooked up to the original remote.

The non working bot will have its circuits removed, and the itx computer will sit inside it. Im going to replace the arm motors with modified servos to gain more speed. I already have the parts, and have started to strip the bot. Parts will be cleaned and painted. Tapedeck will be discarded and a small display inserted. In the middle off this i found this site and joined. Its the best robotics site I ever came across. Im now going to take pictures of what Im doing and post it here.

Fritsl I´ve got a lot of experience with electronics, but not with programming microcontrollers, I went the PC-based way.

Im using servocontrollers and usb interfaces. My goal is to make a telepresence robot. I used the ER-1 kit before but found it limited when I wanted to use my own sensors.

Maybe I will learn some kind of MCU to do the sensor readings and low level control. Wich MCU is the best to start with. I don´t like programming in assembler.

Picaxe is very popular here, due to its low cost and easy programming language. Arduino is a bit costlier, however, its programming language is a bit more powerful.

i saw the video

i saw the video it is was awesome the robot is a male or a female???

Starting with MCU’s

Welcome man,


I had a strong background in PC programming but nothing with electronic or MCU’s I found the arduino to be a great place to start, the high level language wrapping all the low level stuff (register’s and fuse bits) of the AVR makes a much nicer intro to MCU’s then any other I have found.


I have then been able to graduate into ARM based development and MCU’s with ALOT of power under the hood.


Good luck with the bot man, remember when you need help we are here :slight_smile:

Quote A : "I Have no

Quote A : "I Have no programming skills at all. Just tried a little visual basic 6"

Quote B : “I had a strong background in PC programming”, “I found the arduino to be a great place to start,”


I repeat; If there is no prior skills, I think the Picaxe is a better choise :slight_smile:

Cool project. I love the two

Cool project. I love the two other bots in the background holding LMR signs in the video. I think that is RoboSapien on the right. What is the bot on the left? It looks like you are a bit of a bot collector. ; j

Great project concept. I’m looking forward to seeing more.

I will have a look at the

I will have a look at the picaxe, I´ve always wanted to learn how to use MCU´s anyway. Tried a pickit 2 a time ago. Didn´t like the assembler language. If I go the picaxe route I have the chance to use my modified linksys wrt-54gl router. Router, network camera and picaxe could easily replace the mini-itx, cutting power requirment to a minimum. The router is now equipped with a serialport to communicate with a servocontroller moving the networkcamera. A good idea is to hook up a picaxe to the router and then hook it up to the robots logicboard. Then I will have local remote, and over internet. I´ll have a go at this in the weekend.

Oh and the robots in the movie is a Robosapien V2 and a Tomy Hearoid.

Look at this site, there´s a lot of old robots.