Really Useful Electronics Sheet

it comes with the AXE020, but for those that dont have it…

Nice starter for 10

This is a great tip sheet for noobs. I’m sooooo glad to see someone distinguishing between a cell and a battery of cells!

Pop quiz: Anyone like to tell me the difference between a potentiometer and a variable resistor? (You may disregard the fact that the variable resistor depicted appears at first glance to have 3 tags.) Don’t get smart with me - I know the answer.

Well this is what i know.

Well this is what i know. The potentiometer can in fact be used as a variable resistor if you leave out one of the side pins. But in general potentiometers are used for voltage dividing. :slight_smile:

What else…hmm, the variable resistors have 2 pins and pots have 3!

the pot. and the variable
the pot. and the variable resistor pictures look as if they should be the other way round.

Difference between Potentionmeter and Variable Resistor
Then why Ask!

"pop quiz"
A quiz would be pretty rubbish if the guy asking the questions didn’t know the answers.

Nope, thats right :slight_smile:
Nope, thats right :slight_smile:


Unless he would just fake it…


last day i had a discussion
last day i had a discussion with my physics teacher thatsaid rheostats and potentiometers were the same thing, i kept on telling him it wasn’t true! In fact they’re not the same thing!

Teachers have a very limited field of knowledge. They know enough to teach you to pass exams. I argued once with my geography teacher that land masses changed in size dependant on temperature. She said I was talking rubbish.

All the knowledge at one glance

Nice sheet…

I have absolutely no idea’r what the difference is, i just go with my gutt :-/


If you want the sheet as an non-scanned document it is here:

being a n00b I can really use something like this.

You get this sheet free when
You get this sheet free when you order from