Real vehicle converted to RC

Hi everyone
I need to convert a real jeep in to RC.
I have no experience in this field .
But i have to do it in 3 months
Any body who can help me
Need a real teacher
How much expense it would be to covert a jeep in to RC
And other help

This would be one of the most dangerous projects you can do in robotics. An out of control 2-ton vehicle can do a lot of damage and of course kill people. Can we know what this is for and why you need it in 3 months? Also, what country are you in?

Providing help remotely is not good for a situation like this - you need something with a proper background to be able to physically look over all of your connections etc. We have had VFX and animatronics companies contact us request the same thing, but they have considerable experience.

The actuators, motor controller, battery and remote control could easily be around $2,000 USD, especially considering you need a backup system and emergency stop. The technology is not actually too complicated and there are examples of other projects online. However, an animatronics company or other company would easily charge 5x that amount due to their time and labor. You would likely only be able to use the vehicle on private properly.

In terms of actual technology: … motor.html
You would connect this to the steering wheel via sprocket and chain in a ratio of about 1:3, or adapt it for continuous rotation. … uator.html
You would need either pneumatics or a high speed linear actuator (perhaps a 6" version of the one above) for the gas and brake pedals. Ideally have a secondary / backup system for the brake pedal with its own receiver, actuator and power supply.
The last question is the shifter - automatic shifting is best and you could use a linear actuator for that as well.
As far as a remote control system, a reliable RC system would work well: … llers.html
You would then need the motor controllers, wiring and battery (ideally don’t use the car’s main battery), and then create a physical structure which holds all of this together.
We would also strongly suggest a camera system.

It was an honor to hear, and you have almost answers my all questions in detailed and beautiful way. In almost 2000 all project will be completed if i have a jeep