Real Robots Live - Online Multiplayer Game in the Real World

Hi guys, 

Just wanted to make you all aware of a new project that is going to be released on Kickstarter on the 16th May. 

The project is called Real Robots Live and will make it possible to log onto a live robot over the internet and drive it around a remote arena.
You'll have full control over the robot via the software and will be able to see the camera images that stream from the robot's perspective. It's a high res, low latency feed on the robots and around the arena. 

Lots of these robots will be playing in the same arena - a real life online multiplayer game! 

Robots will be able to pick up prizes, and virtual weapons they can use to wreak havoc on other players! For example you can control others cars or make them spin wildly. 

Once online, we want to setup RealRobotsLiveTV so everyone can watch live events.

I would love anyone on this forum that is interested to get on board and support the project. I’ll keep you updated on the launch of the Kickstarter, and in the meantime we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. 

Follow us on TwitterFacebook and please check out at

Lewis @ RRL

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I can do this in my living room already :slight_smile:

I get to chase animals with mine.

These kind of things are

These kind of things are knocked down by my slow internet connection. Loss of signal it’s gameover.

I’d see laser tag much more fun with drones. If only ground vehicles are offered i’d like to drive big ones which are too expensive to buy.

Interesting points!

Good feedback everyone. This is just the beginning really. The camera can stream 20 FPS at SD resolution, and we have put a lot of thought into how we can keep latency and lag to an absolute minimum. It doesn’t effect the gameplay.

I agree that we should make the most of the real life aspect - after all that’s the benefit of this - we have ideas to let users construct parts of the arena with claws / robotic arms and destroy them with real life weapons!

It’s cool that you guys are doing this already. What we want to bring to the table is doing this massively multiplayer, with others from all over the world.

Any other ideas / feedback appreciated.