Real life story


Besides writing about our robot addiction, microcontrollers, bits and bytes, infrared eyes and all the other cool stuff is this website also a community with some space for our other real life.


Ok, I assume we all have a real life (yeah, maybe some of you not but this is another story) and we do things to interact with our environment. This includes real people we used to know from the internet. Sometimes it's not that easy to meet the guy/gal on the other side of the screen in person because of a real life distance of 10,000km but who knows...


As you probably know there was the Chinese New Year celebration last week and as each year it's the time to visit the Chinese family. But before this trip I remembered that I am not the only LMRian in China and reached out for the one nearest to Guangzhou. Well, that was not hard since I already knew. Short email, quick reply and it was settled, we are gonna meet each other in real life. We just had to confirm the day and time since during the Chinese New Year many things can happen...but this also is another story. The day and the time was confirmed and so I and my family was on my way to Zhongshan, just 40 Minutes away from Guangzhou by train.


We arrived at lunch time and what to say, got surprised with a very delicious beef stew (please correct me if I got this wrong) cooked by our hosts lovely wife.

But, as I said in the beginning, we are all addicted so robots and so the talking was 95% about that. The short introduction with some insight to our private life are the other's a guy's know...


if you still read this then you are probably asking who the hell I met? Ok, it's not a secret and here is's our well known valuable community member, thinker and designer, teacher and creator OddBot :-) as you can see in the pictures below:


Still waiting for OddBot's wife to get the right angle for two of us tall guys.


Damn, I did not want to show this picture, me trying to make the Vulcan greetings gesture with my left hand to keep the photo in symmetry :-) … bad idea


Symmetry sucks, so “Live long and prosper” with the “right” right hand. (behind on the table you can see the leftover of the already mentioned beef stew)


Thank you OddBot to let me know your little laboratory, secret projects and also your family.

You are welcome in Shanghai if you are up to it some day!!!

Happy new Year of the Dragon!


Cheers! I would lov to meet

Cheers! I would lov to meet you guys in person one day! Maybe one day we can organize a LMR Faire and we will get to meet everyone!