Read analog input SSC-32U with Arduino UNO


I want to read data of 5 current sensors in the same time, i try to use Arduino UNO but i didn’t succeed … i made controle the 5 servomotors of AL5B by SSC-32U, he as a analog inputs. My question is : how can i use SSC-32U and Arduino UNO to read 5 current sensors DATA in the same time ? can you provide me a example please.

Thanks for help


You can learn more about reading analog values fro the SSC-32U by checking out the SSC-32U manual (page 34).

Also, you can check our example code using a BotBoarduino (the Lynxmotion variation of the Arduino, with extra connectors for servomotors). The code should be compatible with an Arduino Uno without changes.


Thank you for the answer.

I checked the code example, but you used the same serial method for read data. I want to combine orders as an example servo motor GroupCammande.

here is my code on Arduino to read data of current sensors.

I appreciate your response.