Hey peeps, I have a question for ya. I want to include plastic antenna supports for our new A4WD1 rovers. I have been looking all over the net for the material that is used. I don’t know if it’s Nylon, EPDM, Polyethylene, etc. It has to be very tough, but flexible! If anyone knows the secret, please let me know. Thanks!
You might want to try googling: ACETYLENE BLACK RUBBER MATERIALS
It’s hard to surf the net on my PDA phone but perhaps its a hard rubber material and not plastic.
Almost all R/C trucks and cars come with Nylon tube for the antenna. Some come with a ridged tube which has raised lines down the side, increasing it’s resistance to kinking.
It i the same material used in cable push/pull setups for R/C planes. The ones with the brass cables inside use a nylon ribbed sleeve outside.
I’ve used a few different types of plastic tubing for antennas on R/C nitros and found the plain stock nylon tubes are simply the most durable.
One thing is for sure, it sure is hard to find what the material is used for this kind of thing. I guess the question is if you want a “rubber ducky” type of anntena or a hard plastic type? Nylon would be the simple way to go as long as the nylon does not interfear with signal quality. I’m guessing it would not matter to much.
Won’t effect a thing.
And the rubber ducky style antennas are a large spring center with RTV silicone coating and a thin rigid poly ribbon wrapped on the outside.
Just stay away from Carbon Fiber or any carbon composite. It creates more interference than aluminum and steel, in my experience.
That is the same picture as the heatshrink and some other tubings. I don’t believe that is a picture of nylon tubing.
thats what I thought, becuase Nylon dosn’t look like THAT
No its nylon. Nylon can come in several colors.
It’s a generic picture of plastic tubing. The stuff I’ve ordered from them looks slightly different.
And yes, nylon can come in almost any color.