Rc tracked monster vehicle


Yes, thanks! I will think about that…

Hi, sorry about that

Hi, sorry about that too…will stick to english in the furure. Hope it didn’t offense anyone.



This is the battery I’m going to use:

SLA 12V 12amp/h, 3,9 kg

I first wanted to use a 24amp, but 9,5 kg! And it has to fit in the chassis.


I hope it will have enough autonomy...


No offense at all

No need to apologise. Just trying to make a point. Merci a tous qui coöperatent :wink:

With that 12A battery and

With that 12A battery and each of your motors drawing 24A at stall, you had best include a 12A fuse on the battery.

it can deliver 12A for an

it can deliver 12A for an hour, wich means it can also deliver 24A for 30 minutes, or 36A for 20 minutes…

For my test I was using a 20A fuse and was running  one motor with about 20A consumption and seems good…

starting to build the chassis

It’s really just the beginning






Those tracks turned out

Those tracks turned out bad-ass! Should have plenty of grip on grass and dirt.

Nice job

Excellent work thus far. I tried using aluminum sprockets and industrial timing belts myself for NINA’s treads…then I found out that my robot’s particular application didn’t require so much weight. The local rubber belt company even custom-made tracks for me out of the goodness of their hearts…I didn’t pay them a thing, but it was really expensive for them and the tracks never worked on my robot. The sprockets were way too heavy and bulky. This required the motors to be huge wheelchair motors with a 25 lbs battery, steel frame, and…well it wasn’t exactly friendly looking (NINA is supposed to be a social robot to interact with people…but when she ways over 200 lbs and knocks over curio cabinets, well you get the point).

I can clear see that what you’re building requires this application though. I appluad you for getting these belts and sprockets to work! Hmm…maybe I’ll save those custom tracks and sprockets and build a monster myself.

Good luck and congratulations on your progress!

I never built such a thing,

I never built such a thing, hope it works. Thanks

1:27, “holes are strait”,

1:27, “holes are strait”, and dire straits are playing :smiley:

The tracks aren’ t working

The tracks aren’ t working at all.
The belts are not a good system. I have made new ones with bicycle chains, looks much better. I’ m making a simple system with no suspension or other complicated stuff…

"From the ashes of disaster

"From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success".

I continue ot enjoy watching your progress.

I cut the old chassis and

I cut the old chassis and started a new one,

I only have 2 wheels for each track and I found 2 super powerfull motors from car ventilating system! fotos coming tomorrow.

well, here is the new one…



New chassis



tension system on the front



transmission on the back





Wow,it is really coming

Wow,it is really coming together. I can’t wait to see it in action.

FYI, you should probably edit your main post to include the pictures, rather than put the pics in a comment. As more people comment, the pictures will be further and further away from the main body of your post.

Hi, I realy enjoy watching

Hi, I realy enjoy watching your progres my friend,it looks realy strong and powerful. Yes belts have tendancy to loosen and slip,sprokets and chain should be lots better to me. Your chassis is well made,I guess you’re doing your welding too. Keep up the good work my friend :slight_smile:


It is just simply nice to see another welder around here. And it is nice to see a guy who can appreciate a well made jig to speed up your production process. Nice work, looking forward to more videos.


Thanks Chris and Korel, I hope this time everything is going to work out fine… I’ m waiting for gearings for the transmission. It already weighs 13 kg. I’m doing my best for welding…