Rc tracked monster vehicle


I have already had electric and gas rc cars, buggy, monster truck... And I wanted to build my self a tracked monster that could go quite fast, climb about anywhere, something unstopable... So I started to build a tracked monster. I started by the electric system.

it will be about 25 kilos, 60cm long, 30cm wide and 25cm high.

The whole system is is controlled by only two servos.

It will have one motor for each track, steel chassis, golf caddy battery, tracks made of timing belts and U alumunium profile, transmission by car' s water pump...

motors are 12V 24Amps at stall and 6Amps running free.

At this point I have only finished the electric system and I am going to start the chassis, tracks and suspension soon.


climbs hills, plows my garden...

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 wiper motors
  • Control method: RC
  • Power source: 12V 12Ah battery
  • Target environment: outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/rc-tracked-monster-vehicle

Looks like it is going to be

Looks like it is going to be a powerful one. I’ll definitely be following your progress.

wow cool! seems to go quite

wow cool! seems to go quite fast… will follow this. Where are the diodes used for?

edit: for mixing the signals/directions I see now… Like it!

Dannyv, this should help

Dannyv, this should help you. Its the simple version of the system.

For exemple if you push the “left” button it will only comand the “motor right+” and the “motor left-” relays. So the left motor will turn forwards and the right motor will turn backwards, so the robot will “pivot steer” to the left. Diodes are there so as the microswitches controls the right relays and not all the relays in the same time. All the other diodes are there for the soft star and pwm system, to use 1 unit for the 2 motors.



This is probably a stupid

This is probably a stupid question, but couldn’t this be done using say a H-bridge driving some massive MOSFET transistors? Am I wrong thinking that you only have full on or stop, -or can you PWM the speed?

** In fact, I’ m sure there**


In fact, I’ m sure there are many other ways to make it work!

It works like a h-bridge but I’ m using only 2 relays instead of 4 for a h-bridge. I’ m not using transistors because I don’t realy know how they work and how much power they can resist to… The PWM unit has an integrated soft start, motors take speed untill the chosen speed is reached. Max speed can be adjusted on the side of the wooden box with a button. If you are doing speed or if you are doing trial, climbing you change speed… The important is that my system is working way under the limits of the parts, even if it does take a lot of place, I must admit!

Hope you understand everything, because this it not my language.

h-bridge for 2 motors: 8 relays


Don’t get me wrong, I

Don’t get me wrong, I think your relay setup is great and something I haven’t seen before here at LMR. I would only like to mention that for example the MOSFET IRFZ44N is rated to handle 49A at 55V and might be though enough to handle the job.

Bravo! Très beau montage.

Bravo! Très beau montage. La bonne vieille technologie des relais…ça me connait ;)  J’aime bien et au plaisir de suivre ton évolution.

Oh? Un français! Les

Oh? Un français! Les relais, rien de plus simple et robuste.

Je suis

Je suis Canadien,Québécois. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de roboticiens ici qui parlent francais je pense. J’ai débuté avec PICAXE il y a quelques mois pour m’amuser un peu et ensuite je me suis procuré Arduino pour l’étudier pour éventuellement l’utiliser sur un robot.

Salut, je vais continuer a suivre ton projets.


Could we please stick to

Could we please stick to English for all posts so that it is available to all of us.
Norwegian: Ellers så blir det bare tull og tøys her inne, lettere om alle skriver på engelsk synes nå jeg.

Agreed - English is the sticky lingo of choice here

Of course, exchanging pleasantries in your native tongue can be a welcome variation. But in order to keep this forum available by every man (and searchable by machines), we need to stick to one common language.

So far I did not see any technical stuff floating by in French. Well, none that wasn’t translated later anyway. Thanks for that. I get the feeling les francophones understand le point. Dankuwel.

I was surprised to see some

I was surprised to see some speaking french!

I sed relays were simple and strong.

He told me he’ s Canadian and that not many “robotitians” speak french, he started by having fun with PICAXE, then he bought a ARDUINO to learn how it works and use it on a robot. He will follow my work.

I’ m sorry if you thought we were “talking in private”. Sorry




Sorry again, lets go back to robots…

I was looking for an idea to make wheels to go inside the tracks, to support the weight of the chassis, I first thought of skateboard wheels or castorweels but they are quite expensive. And I found this polyamide cylinder for 3,95 euros (5,16 dollars) on Conrad.fr. Only need to cut it and drill it properly! This is used to make castorwheel rims, it is very hard and looks very resistant. It may be usefull for others… Exists in many sizes


I posted a while back about

I posted a while back about some bomb squad robots.

The 2nd robot I saw actually used rubber tracks stretched over four rubber tires. I wonder if this approach might work for you.

This bomb squad robot looks

This bomb squad robot looks good, and big!

I have a beginning of an idea for transmission:

little belt between motor and axe, bearing, and the big belt (I won’t put this one, it’s cut) turning against the floor with alumunium U not shown here. The tracks won’t have the same shape of bomb squad robot.




That looks like it is going

That looks like it is going to be one fine looking track system. Will you include a method to tension the tracks? This could be important, especially as the rubber tracks wear.


In fact I’ m working on that…

I know 2 ways doing it:


Or automatic:


but these springs are realy hard.

As you now, it's my first try with robots, so If you have an other idea... Let me know!

other solution

Other solution: 



But the size of the pulley is so big (85mm), I would have to modify the shape of the tracks, and the suspension system to. The other pulleys are 50mm.

Working on a much smaller

Working on a much smaller scale then you are, I added a tensioner pulley to the tracks for GRAB-E. It is similar to your approach with adjusting front-upper wheel, but instead of messing around with the main wheels, I just added the tensioner pulley.




AFTER: (note tenioner pulley at rear-middle of track)
