Hi All, First post here. I am just starting on a RC snowblower project and need some help getting started on getting the RC components together, hoping I can get some guidance here. I am comfortable with all the mechanical aspects of the build. I have a nice tracked donor machine. My plan is to leave the original drive system intact. What I am trying to solve for now are the following ideas I have on how to get this done:
Forward/backward drive: My thought is a linear actuator to push/pull through the existing gear selector (2reverse, 6 forward).
Turning: Power steer is cable driven - pulling disengages from drive allowing other side to turn unit. My plan is to have either small linear actuators on each to pull each cable.
Chute control: There would be a range of full left to full right. I can have a DC motor with the worm gear on it to turn it.
Remote start: I will be replacing the AC starter with a DC and a solenoid. I would need the controller to pass 12volt to the solenoid in a momentary-type switch.
Remote Kill: My thought is to activate a relay that will connect a ground that will kill the ignition.
The system will have an onboard powersports 12v battery and the motor has a basic generator. (I will likely have to recharge periodically and am ok with that.)
These are the major components I’m trying to solve for right now. Other things I’d like to add later would be a small fuel pump to prime, and a small linear actuator to pull choke, this would allow for full remote start.
My questions right now (after seeing what I’m trying to solve for), would be is there anything fundamentally wrong with my plan so far? What kind of controller, receiver, etc would be suitable to start?
Besides linear actuators, are there other types of motors I should consider?
Any help with these questions is appreciated. When it comes to the mechanical work, I’m very comfortable, its the RC parts of this I have limited knowledge and experience with. Thanks!