I’ve enjoyed very much reading the threads I do have a few questions, I am as new to this as one can be. I plan on buying a propelled push gas mower and converting it to a RC 4x4. I’d love to put a camera on it and control it via a drone helmet but that will come after the basics are finished. I was going to use treads and 2 wheel chair motors but due to the cost (near $300 US) of the treads I figure 4 motors would be less of an expense (but not as cool looking).
Here are my noob questions-
- Motors- I’ve found motors on ebay, I assume that all motors will need to be the same brand and model for the left and right side. Is there a preferred brand?
- Treads- If you know of a place to purchase treads for this use I’d really like to know! The only ones I can find are the treads for the Honda Snow Blower, as seen here- images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrTcXoMwKpXmtsAuoyJzbkF?ei=UTF-8&n=60&fr=yfp-t&p=Honda+snowblower+treads&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&norw=1
- Is it as easy as fitting the motor, the motor controller, receiver, transmitter and power?
I look forward to your thoughts. I have read the ‘RC Mower’ threads so my understanding is basic. I can fabricate what is needed for this. I will be building this with my 2 daughters hoping to enlighten them to out of the box thinking- we’ve a steep hill that is rarely mowed due to it being a pain in the butt.
I plan on a propelled mower due to it having a pulley attachment on the motor shaft because I read that an alternator may be required to extend the battery.