RB-Elf-40 on MicroBit

RB-Elf-40 (Robot shop product code) is a waterproof digital temp sensor (DS18B20 from ElecFreaks)
Can someone please guide me on how I can connect this sensor to a microBi and possibly program it in MakeCode.
I tried looking for an extension/library for it in Makecode without success.

I tried connecting the sensor to MicroBit with three wires - Yellow to Data line (Pin 7) on MB, Red to +3.3V of MB and black to GND.

In Makecode:
in a forever loop:
set temp = digital read from Pin7
display temp
pause 2sec

All I see is a 1 at the beginning and then 0 after that.

Thanks for your help.

Hello @mojeeza!

I found a guide on how to use this module with the Micro:bit. The package is different in their pictures, but it is the same component

I hope this helps!

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Hello @Magmator

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Worked perfectly…took a little prep work to Install the necessary components (for MicroBit) in the Arduino IDE and hooking up the wiring for single wire sensors.

Just to clarify - apparently One wire sensor will NOT work in MakeCode - from what I understand. But it worked using the Arduino IDE perfectly.

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