So I have always wanted to build a Quadracopter and I finaly did it. A special thanks to hardmouse who donated the an old GAUI frame that I was able to hack up to add my own landing gear, build custom motor mounts out of aluminum and threw in my own electronics! The brains of the operation is a hobbyking Quadracopter control board that uses 3 gyros to stabilize the quad and send control signals to ESCs to control the Quad.
Power Distriution Board
Power distribution Board Sealed.
Electronic Thinking Stuff
FPV Camera System (yet to be fully implimented)
Flies around
- Actuators / output devices: 4 brush less motors
- Control method: radio
- CPU: atmega168
- Sensors / input devices: 2.4GHz Radio
- Target environment: Outdoors
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