RAVEBOTS - Crazy spastic dancing bots (Made for TV)

These lil guys were made for "Annedroids" a kids TV show made for Amazon Prime Video and TVO.. We needed something for the background so I tore the skin off of a furby and another dancing robot / hooked em up to arduinos and junked em up :D  They party like crazy!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ravebots-crazy-spastic-dancing-bots-made-for-tv


Getting a better idea of the show and now understand the idea behind the “scrap bots” - giving “life” and “personality” to robotic creations using mostly scrapped materials. Nicely done.

Dream Job for Robobuilders!

I dont know if i will ever get an opportunity/ challenge like that again… they would ask for crazy bots in quick time… it was like a dream job for robot builders… so much fun!

Great writters

Anne lives in a junkyard and made a bunch of robots out of junk… Great premise, they got multiple daytime emmy awards :D