I recently purchased a Pimoroni display case as shown here: https://www.buyapi.ca/product/pimoroni-raspberry-pi-7-touchscreen-display-frame/
and then realized I forgot to actually buy a touch screen display (I guess that’s what you get for doing online shopping while dead tired). I’m new to Raspberry Pis and not quite sure which touch screens would fit. This one here looks quite good: https://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/7-lcd-touch-screen-raspberry-pi.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=surfaces_across_google_caen&gclid=CjwKCAjwzIH7BRAbEiwAoDxxThx8zmDUtqEfsQdLGWTrqSzav4I6MLajSVhA1WCbo7AsYeON9ZAvWRoCb1YQAvD_BwE
but I’m not sure if it fits, since the external measurements of the screen are not provided. Does anyone have any recommendations for a 7" touch screen that would fit such a frame? Also, the Pi I have is a Pi 4, model B if that matters.