Hello all,
I'm making my first robot using Raspberry Pi. My robot looks like a car with three wheels. Two of them are in front and have connection to motors, The third one is behind and it's no connection to motors.
I'm planning to use 2 simple motors (for each front wheel one). For now my robot weight 260g, and i have to add two motors and battery and i little of more constuction for holding motors and battery. I'm already found which type of motor should i use:
Motraxx MOTOR X-FLY 400 or Moteaxx MOTOR X-FLY 280.
First is stronger with 37.7 W. and second provide 13.8 W. Because I don't want to have very fast robot I've made some kind of transfer to power:
So...do you think X-FLY 280 will be enough or I shoud buy X-FLY 400. Remember left wheel will have motor and right wheel will have its own motor. So 2 motors on board.
Thank you for your opinion!
Have a nice day,
Image of my robot