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This is my first post and my first attempt at starting a robot and programming said robot. I have some questions regarding my Wild Thumper 6WD with Wild Thumper Robot Controller.
I am currently using 2 - 7.2V 5000mAh RC batteries wired in parallel. The setup responds to my RC transmitter but for only a few seconds and then stops, but I believe that is due to testing the setup on carpet with the original WT wheels. I also have the low voltage jumper in place. So I do not think it is an issue with the board or batteries. I haven't had a opportunity to test on a flat surface due to the weather but was wondering if anyone has had any luck and/or reommendations with any replacement wheel tire setups for carpet? I know I can modify the existing wheels by cutting off the little knobs on the tires but I wanted to see if there were any other options people have had good results with using.
My other question is with the robot controller, I am using the Jr/HiTech/Spectrum servo connectors for the connection to the receiver but have found them to be a loose fit on the WT Robot Controller has anyone else had this issue? Any recommendations for a tighter fit?
Thank you for all your help. I like this site and read it almost every day for help and ideas.