Question regarding definition of DEC in SSC32 code


In the BotBoaDUINO_ch3r_ps2 file phoenix_driver_ssc32.cpp, there is code like this:

void ServoDriver::FreeServos(void) { g_InputController.AllowControllerInterrupts(false); // If on xbee on hserial tell hserial to not processess... for (byte LegIndex = 0; LegIndex < 32; LegIndex++) { SSCSerial.print("#"); SSCSerial.print(LegIndex, DEC); SSCSerial.print("P0"); } SSCSerial.print("T200\r"); g_InputController.AllowControllerInterrupts(true); }

What is the definition of “DEC”? It appears also in the examples in Jim Frye’s “SSC-32 Manual”, and I can’t find its definition there either. I understand the rest of the code OK.

Thank you.

This is standard Arduino Serial class stuff:

Note SSCSerial is defined as one of the Serial classes (could be hardware or software Serial)

Thank you. Probably should have figured that out myself. Ted