Hello! I’m new to this site so I’m not exactly sure how to post questions, but I’m wondering if I get an animatronic head kit could I somehow attach a separate animatronic body to it? Is there any way I could put the head onto a body? Thank you!
Hello @Ashrae_05 and welcome to the forum,
Do you have an animatronic head and body in mind? For example this one:
Are you planning on building one? In case you are here are some interesting projects:
Hello all you LMRians! It's been 7 or 8 years since I posted on this site, as I had to pack up robotics in 2011. I have however visited the site periodically, and certainly have noticed some changes. Especially this new site design, which I'm now...
the baby creature I design it so it can be any creature… change teeth , change ears and jaw etc…
VSA software Adding 4 quick eyelids blinks at end of program movements, longer the bar slower the Servo movement shorter bar is faster
I design the baby to enlarge from 20mm black beads to 30mm
baby creature enlargement… How I check measurements for eyelid and the 30mm bead eye … copy the inside center axis/ hinge point of the lid socket and printed test socket… part 2 video is …
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