
This is my first robot. He moves with 12 servo motors.

currently it has no sensors, but i intend to put them on him.

He can carry a small amount of cargo in his tank.

Forgive me because of the small text, I still learn English

  • Actuators / output devices: 12 Servos
  • CPU: atmega 16
  • Power source: 5.0 V
  • Programming language: Bascom-AVR

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadruped

Wow thats amazing! I just

Wow thats amazing! I just looked up the chip, and notice it have 32 I/0! Wonder if there a way to get this to work with the Arduino IDE.  Great work man, can’t wait to see more.

i think that is not

i think that is not possible because atmega 16 is wider than atmega 8 or similar. I program this microcontroler with stk 300/500 programer and bascomAVR program. It is very simple…

**The atmega16 wouldnt fit in**<br><p>The atmega16 wouldnt fit in an Arduino board but you could still port the bootloader to the atmega16 and then program it using the Arduino IDE if you wanted to.

Have a look at the sanguino for inspiration.

Hey Great work!!

Great job man… looking nice :wink: Can you just tell me that how r u controlling those servos? by pwm or simple delay pulses?

in Atmega16 in which ports did u connect it and can u just help me roughly with the circuit it would be gr8 help 
