Quadruped - 2DOF

Quadruped, yes, four legs again.

I think I am nore enjoy in building robots than programming bots. It just too much fun to see the idea in your brain comes out alive. :)

This one I tried to use less soldering or modify any parts to make it as simple as possible. In this project I am hoping to use Arduino328 + Expansion shields + 7.2V Lipo + Regulate UBEC 5V and those can fit inside the body.

Here is the 3D printed joint as bracket for these two servos. Notice I have use a metal tubing to reduce the friction. The bolt sticking out has glued with JB welder. It's pretty strong to hold the bolt in place.

I cut these tubing that barely sticking out from holes so the nuts won't lock down the joints when it moves.

Couple of adjustment for legs parts.

A leg completed with assembling. (TOP SIDE)

A leg completed with assembling. (BOTTOM SIDE)

Designning body after few printouts.

I decide to use fully auto instead what I usually do to remote them.

Completed!! I also add my logo just for fun.


Since it was fun and I had few extra parts when I did the modifiction on the design so I printed more parts to have second set.

2nd set with a different body plate :)

That's all. Hope you guys like it and I will post the 3D parts on thingiverse later.



All 3D Files had been uploaded to thingiverse:

  • Actuators / output devices: 9G servos x 8
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino ATMEGA328
  • Power source: 5V from 7.2V LiPoly
  • Sensors / input devices: Ultra Sound x1
  • Target environment: flat ground

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadruped-2dof

Swap ya

Well, if you ever feel the need to ship me one of your robots, I’m a software engineer and I’ll give it some intelligence…!

In return, I’ll send you a program and your challenge is to build a robot around it!!

coop sound good to me :smiley:

coop sound good to me :smiley:

Very nice work, hardmouse. I

Very nice work, hardmouse. I really like the leg design. The idea of printing the white “frame” with green “body panels” was brilliant. Looks awesome. I can absolutely relate with you about the joy of designing and building a bot, compared to the tidious task of programming it. :smiley:

I like the video where he is in the middle of the “city”, seemingly on a small rampage. :slight_smile:

I know eh! It’s worth than

I know eh! It’s worth than swaping filament to give it a bit better looking.

Sigh*~ my son  been more attracted by that dame ipad.

Construction guide

Will you post in thingiverse a construction code and the code for the bot? This project is amazing and thanks for sharing it.