
This quad is built from 2mm aluminium plate cut on my homebuilt cnc, its using the freetronics eleven microcontroller and 12 hitec hightorque servos, at the moment for testing its powered with a 5 cell 2000mah 6v pack hopfully in the future when it is fully autonomous it will be powered with a 2 cell lipo, and light seeking to charge itself.

Autonomous walker

  • Actuators / output devices: 12 hitec servos
  • Control method: remote
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Power source: 6V 5 cell
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 0 ATM
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadruped-1


Man that looks amazing. How’d you make all the parts?

Thank you. All of the parts

Thank you. All of the parts were cut with a homebuilt cnc and solidworks, I would like to re cut all the parts using .9-1mm alloy plate instead of the 2mm to keep the weight down on the servos.


Hi, really nice and clean manufacturing !

What refrences of servos are you using ?

Do you use a special arduino shield to drive the servos (for noise reason) ?

The servos are all using a

The servos are all using a common power rail with the pulse wires all feeding to two 6 pin headers pluged into the arduino pins 2-13

The code its running with at the moment is from GDGT’s quad build.


type of servos

Can you tell me what references of HITEC servos are you using ?

Are they plastic pinions or brass… ?

Have you made any precalculation regarding the wheight of your frame, before stating cutting, to choose your servos ?

The servos are hs5485hb

The servos are   hs5485hb hip, hs 645mg fibia,  and hs 425bb for the tibia,  The servo choices were mainy what I had at the time, I would like to use the hs 645mg all round or at least 9-10kgcm servos as a minimum.

Ill try put up more

Ill try put up more information and build pics soon. As for the code you have to visit https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/user/19447 as he helped a great deal in adapting his code for my quad.