Quadrino Nano Firmware Config Tool...Won't open, won't flash

Hi, I’m trying to use the Quadrino Nano Firmware Config Tool on a pc running windows 10
it kept saying I had to download the drivers when I tried to flash it. I clicked the link that takes you to the Silicon Labs Drivers, and thought I downloaded the correct drivers.
the Quadrino Config tool would then detect that my quadrino was plugged in, but the config tool kept saying that the drivers needed to be installed.

When I click Flash, it would go through the motions and then say the upload was unsuccessful and give me a “baud” error message.

and now the Config tool simply won’t open.

I thought this config tool was supposed to make things easy for newbs like me. Please help

…is there a Mac version of the config tool? I’m much more comfortable on a Mac.


Hi propbox,

The FCT do not have a MAC version available.
If you open your “Device Manager” while the Quadrino Nano is connected (USB) what do you have in your “COM” section ?

NB: Can you take a print-screen of this ?

Regarding the FCT which do not want to open, what are you doing exactly ?
Have you re-started you PC ?

Best regards,

Do you have the driver to download?

The drivers are automatically installed by the FCT application but you can get the drivers on Silabs website HERE.

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