Quadbot- Four Legged Walking robot (Quadruped) version 1

I wanted to implement a robot that could walk. Servos are scarce/very expensive in India after three long days of search i found a very inexpensive source (Thanks to Hobbyking) who shipped them to India.

I used my Home made Arduino(Serverino) and a custom shield to connect and power all the 9G servo motors. This was a very basic version with limited motion and functionality. Just walks forward, backward, turns left and right and goes to sitting position.

Working on implementing a Bluetooth controlled robot which can walk on both sides using the same chassis but better controller (Robot Controller -M1) that I designed. Will share more details once completed.

Walks on its own using its legs

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 servos
  • Control method: Semi-autonomous
  • CPU: ATMega8 16Mhz
  • Power source: 8.4V NiMH (7xAA)
  • Programming language: C
  • Target environment: indoors mainly

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadbot-four-legged-walking-robot-quadruped-version-1

Very nice work.

Very nice work.

Thank you . .

Thank you. . . I’m still working on a better build and more complex motion. . . Will share more details here . .:slight_smile: