Python for Jaguar 4x4 Mobile Platform

Hello everyone, I am a student worker in my college’s Computer Science Department, and an Engineering has reached out to my department for help with their Jaguar 4x4. Their main goal in this is to be able to upload a student’s code to the robot in Python, which it would then run. However, I have been unable to find a place where this would be possible in either the apps or file structure. Does anyone have any advice or answers on where I ought to go?

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Hi @Nova72Scotia and welcome to our forum.

I guess it would be best to contact manufacturer:

Or you already did that?

Thank you.

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Hey @igor_X , thanks so much for replying!

Yes, one of the engineering students did contact their support regarding coding the robot in Python. Unfortunately, all he received back was confirmation that it was possible and one of the manuals for the bot that is available on the website and not very useful programming-wise. This manual says there is an included API, but it is either not intuitive to access or non-existent.


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