Push-Pull-Carry Robot, Articulated 4 WD, Sabertooth Dual 60A, Need to refine control issues

Hello everyone.!

I hacked together the above mentioned robot from two wheelchairs to help me around the farm, and I am controlling it with RC to a Sabertooth 2X60. It works well and is a strong capable machine.

My 89 yo Dad is unable to walk, and misses getting outside to take care of his gardens and flower beds. I am modifying the above machine to carry him and allow him to control it with a joystick. I would like very much to be able to use the DEscibe software to program the Sabertooth 2X60. The documentaion on the 2X60 mentions programming it with a usb adapter. Could someone please suggest a compatible USB adapter and how to mate it to the 2X60?

Thank you!

Hello @BambooDave and welcome to the forum!

That is such an awesome project, it would be great if you could share it in the Robots section :grinning:

In order to program the Sabertooth 2X60 you will need a USB-to-TTL Serial Converter like these:

You can find other models here.

And here are the connections you should make:

You can find more information on the following links:

And you can download the DEScribe software here

I hope that information can help you out
Good luck with your project :grin:

Thank you so much for your prompt and detailed response! I’ll order some parts, and see how it goes.

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