punk bob

Hi Just wanted to formally introduce myself my name is Adil otherwise known as Nismo350  and am new to the would of robots I have never attempted to build one before until I saw Bob. I have already printed Bob and I've acquired all the hardware to put him together I just need help or at least someone to point me in  the right direction as to programming him and connecting a arduino  Nano to the servos









Wow, that’s a cool one. I

Wow, that’s a cool one. I guess I should decorate my purple bot with something too :slight_smile:


Welcome at BoBs army. I like

Welcome at BoBs army. I like the irokese hair style. Well done.

Have you tried the BoB Poser GUI to create the movement steps?

To connect the Servos to the Nano, the best way is to create a carrier board with 3pin servo connectors. Something like this:
