Punch the snail


The direction and eyes works, it's still runs on

eksternal power supply.

everything looks like a trail and it is.

the snail goes as slow as it can.









Meet punch the snail .. he is made of a funnel that I found in a warehouse a few months ago.

I thought hmm, this could be a robot snail, I took the funnel with me, and started to find the other parts to be used, and it has just evolved as I worked with it.

the plan is that it runs slowly in the room without running into things,  the emergency stop switch will work as a tease switch, a get a move on switch, speed up switch, the snail vill then get mad and finally do something about it.

A better view of the emergency stop switch. UPDATE  2/10/2013

it has 2 x 7 sigment display for the eyes that will have different expressions depending on the situation it's in.

there are 7 LED which forms the mouth, 3 for angry and 4 for happy, in the middle of the mouth is a LDR resistance, which I will use to measure whether it is day or night, and then change the setting for IR sensors.

I just started programming. and there will be a video soon. two be continued. mean while some pictures.

A look from behind, all the wires from picaxe to sensors and leds. UPDATE  2/10/2013



Navigate around via 2 IR sensors in front, play bottom on top for funny things

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 X Servos continuous rotation
  • Control method: Autonomous.
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Mac OSX
  • Power source: 6v 1600mAh Ni-MH
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 X homemade IR sensors, 1 X LDR, 1 X Switch
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/punch-the-snail

Lot’s of character this

Lot’s of character this robot of yours!

Waiting for a video, and in the meantime keep punching that snail :smiley:

Very creative robot.

You have a lot packed into the head of that little guy. Can’t wait to see it in action. Nice work.

IR "eyes"

I didn’t have much luck myself with IR “eyes”, couldn’t get enough range out of them. My CanBot hit the wall before it “saw” it and reacted. I guess with a slow moving snail they should work ok. Can’t wait to see it in action.

A funnel is really a good

A funnel is really a good thing to buy :slight_smile: Well build, nice appearance. As the others, I also wait for the video to see the snail robot in action.

Thanks for the nice words

I on a small business trip,but will start programming this weekend, and make a video of the first trial

I actually get a good range

I actually get a good range out of my IR sensor, but I am aware, that the IR sensors are sensitive to sunlight and get the robot to react even though it is far from an object. that’s why I want to use LDR resistance, so the robot uses one value on the day and another value at night, to avoid the sunlight problem.