PSP Screen Pinouts

Edit: Learned what I needed to from previous question, didn't wanna create a new forum for every Question I had (we'd be at node 20,000 in no time).

That's the LCD I want to use for my robot. The pinout explination is cryptic, however. Page 7 and 8 of the user manual stump me. What type of output is the Red, Green and Blue data outputs? Seems to me like it would either be digital or serial, but idk. It also says to get a high-power MCU for it, would a picaxe 20-x2 work?

It has a friend named touchscreen. All I get from the documtation is a CAD drawing and Pins X1, X2, Y1, and Y2. The description says analog, but which ones are analog? All of them? I also need pin Id's here. Here's the link.

Final question. Oddbot, if you see this, how do you control that servo board on your Monster 6WD? Which pins are used?

In case you're wondering, I'm planning on getting a ton of stuff on free day, and so I need to find out how many picaxe 40-2s I need.

banks of pins
Think of each letter being a “bank” of pins. The A’s are your adc’s B,C and D are standard I/O’s. The x2’s require you to tell the chip which “bank” of pins you want to use, then the pin number within that bank. C.6 is just bank “c” pin 6.

1st bank of picaxe

You’re saying each bank is flexible? so on one Picaxe 40 X2, I could have the C’s be serial, and another could have digital C?

Could Bank C have 2 kinds of input, such as digital and analog, meaning C.3 is serial, c4 is digital, etc?


All the pins are flexable. All can be standard I/O’s and any could be used for serial data in or out. The adc channels can also be used as standard pins. Don’t think too much about the letters --this is really just a lableing system. Just code like you always have, but instead of just a single pin #, you simply have to add it’s letter to it’s number.

Remember: You have to tell the pic what adc’s are going to be used as adc’s at the begining using let adcsetup= . Oh, and in terms of serial data, the x2’s have hserout and hserin which work great! You can configure them to keep looking for incoming serial data all the time (in the background while the main loop is running) and whatever data it gets gets dumped in the scratchpad.

**By the way, **
I hope to have this info soon, like by tomorrow night. Please help!