I am using the 2x10 regen… sabertooth motor controler and the bot board 2
with basic atom pro. when I power up my bot, the green light on the sabertooth lights up, and the bot board beeps and lights up as well. I have the “cables” from the p0 and p1 pins running to the sabertooth’s imput “wire clamp” ports. I could not find a diagram showing how to wire these imputs, so I guessed the two black wires would go in the 0v port, and the yellow wires in s1 and s2 ports. I have all the switchs set the way it showed, and believe that i have all the jumpers in the correct places, but I have no visible communication between the boards, ie the wheels dont spin. Is there a diagram I overlooked involving the sabertooth 2x10? how should I wire the yellow/black connecting wires? is there anything else that might casue this problem?
Never mind I figured out what was wrong.
Now I just to order the right charger for m 12v battery.