We have purchased a Robot Arm AL5D with a medium wrist rotate servo, for a Science Olympiads project.
We would like to use the robot with the wireless PS2 controller.
This is a partial list of what we have purchased:
Mini atom Bot Board II V2 (ABB-01)
Basic Atom Pro 28 Pin (BAP-02)
PS2 controller (RC-01)
Sony play station cable (PS2C-01)
Wall adapter (WP-04)
In the same box we received the PS2 controller there is a board called “PS2 level shifter”.
Do we need to connect this board, if yes how and where.
This might be my problem. No where in your tutorials I could find this answer.
All servos work when using a Lynx Terminal with the SSC-32 board.
We cannot control the robot with the wireless PS2 controller.
The receiver green light is solid green, and the red LED is always flashing.
No matter which buttons we push nothing happens, and the controller lights go off after 30 seconds.
What is the green light on the PS2 marked “NEGCON” do? I wish there was a tutorial on the PS2, we have never played with Sony PS2.
We purchased a second set of transmitter and receiver, and we have the same results, nothing works on the robot.
We borrowed a Sony Play station 2 wired controller, and we are able to control the servos, but not very well, (slow moving, moving on their own).
We have used the “PS2 Programming Tutorial-PS2 RC”.
We have loaded on the Atom Pro 28 pins the program indicated in your tutorial, “BB only PS2 control.bas” and the program was executed without errors.
The wiring on the PS2 controller cable does NOT match with any schematic color scheme, but we followed and traced with an ohmmeter the connections on your tutorial.
Blue to pin 12 (DATA) NOT to pin 15 as indicated in your color code schematic.
Orange to pin 13 (CMD) NOT to pin 14.
Yellow to pin 14 (ATT) NOT to pin 13
Purple to pin 15 (CLK) Not to pin 12
The four-pin connector had to be reversed 180 degrees.
We only use the Bot Board II with the Basic Atom Pro 28 (No SSC-32 board)
We doubled checked all the wiring and jumpers from your tutorial.
All the batteries are fresh, and the voltages are correct when measured with a voltmeter on the logic (VL) and servos (VS)
I have spent many hours on your Tech Support Website, and I was not able to resolve the problem.
Sorry for the long post, please help us resolve the issue. We can upload some pictures if you believe it will help you.