Proof of concept delta robot thingy

Delta robots, a rather elegant idea with a surprising amount of maths, so i decided to build one.
so a delta robot uses the distance six points to locate an end effector in 3 dimensional space, for most systems this is achieved by using an arm attached to a motor at one end and a pair of parallel rods that connect to the end effector, most of the time ball joints are used, but i thought that i could use universal joints instead, in the first build of the robot they don’t seem to be able to constrain the top plate enough, because it falls down on one side, anyway thats as far as i have got so far, i will try some new things as free time presents itself.

and a few notes about the future, when i get the mechanics works, i intend to run the steppers off a trio of easysteppers, and control it from a arduino pro being fed something from a pc, i am pretty sure it will have some sort of joystick. and i will have to rig some sort of power supply.

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