Project "routerbot" - an easy way to build a robot

The key to making Andrey’s project work is using OpenWrt and a router with, or modified to have, a serial port. has a link on the front page to supported hardware. Then the specific model needs to be checked regarding the support for a serial port. The Dlink DI-524 is not on the list.

Andrey reports on his website that he will soon make available a web interface for the routerbot.


I don’t have a place to post pictures so I’m emailing you some. We got the BohBot running today :smiley: (named after our friend). Instead of waiting for your web UI I wrote one. The controls even work from an iPhone connected to our local wifi network. Driving commands all have timeouts due to the risk of network latency issues causing the robot to run loose in the shop.

The video server doesn’t work with the provided network configuration. The connection worked fine when the router was previously loaded with DD-WRT and configured as a bridge. I’ll have to sort out the router settings later.

The motor/wheels are from a wheelchair scooter. When people get new powered wheelchairs the old drivetrains get thrown out. They work great for robots. The tires are probably 10 inches tall. The wheels are hub motors which take 12v. Currently a Tamiya dual speed control for a toy tank is being used. There are 2 drive wheels and a caster wheel.


V3 is on the way: :slight_smile:
