Programming the BRAT

I am completly new at programming, and I want to program my BRAT to walk by swithching between about eight phases. All i really need to know how to do is make the servos move. I read the hservo tutorial, but it didnt seem to have correct information on the enablehservo command. If someone could help me i would greatly appreciate it.

We would call “phases” steps in a sequence. :wink:

Can you tell the filename of the tutorial that “didn’t seem to have correct information.” We will need to fix it, if that’s the case. Please be more specific with the problem and I would be glad to help you.

this program is under your electronics help section with the basic atom pro hservo tutorial.
enablehservo %0000000000001111,1000,2000,20

srv0 con 0

hservo [srv0\128\255]
pause 5000
hservo [srv0\1\48]
pause 5000
hservo [srv0\255\48]
pause 5000
goto start

If i copy and paste this to my compiler it will not compile. I just want to know where and what i need to study in order to write my own programs for the BRAT

Ok, now I know what’s going on. Use this information for Hservo.

Note if you are using then you are good to go. However if you are using then read the very end of this thread.

That should get you going. Also the BRAT autonomous tutorials are correct. Try checking them out. :wink:

it was just a little misunderstanding