Hi people, i speak little english, sorry. Ok i need help ! i programming my first robot and 1 Led . OK I need the help! I schedule(program) my first robot and 1 led.I do not find Tutoriel to install(settle) Led, I placed my Led on digital outputs (both branch on out 7). My led ignites correctly but when I want scheduled(programmed) I return codes is that do not walk(work): led:
My Led is placed well or not because it ignites but I do not arrive has to schedule her! You can give me an example of code to schedule my Led . Thank you
Yes I use the flea L293D! Yes I use the flea L293D! Otherwise when I place the code that you gave me, the LED always makes the same thing, I shall want to make him different blinking when the robot detects an obstacle and When I place the code that makes me an error: hand: ^ [7955]
- your LED is conected to pin 7, pin 7 is also being used by the l293d, so everytime your motor gets a comand it turns the LED on.
If you want to give seperate comands to your LED you need to hook it on a different pin. Pin 4,5,6,7 are used by the L293d so you can only use 0,1,2,3.
Puce ne se traduit pas directement pas flea, en anglais c’est “chip”.