There seems to have been a bit of information left out of the original question.
You are planning on rotating a 16’ inflatable globe.
I am a bit concerned that an L293 in a PICAXE board will be able to drive a stepper with enough power.
Learning to drive a stepper with your setup would not be a worthless endeavour, but, I don’t believe you will be able to use that setup by itself to drive the stepper you will need to drive. My Physics knowledge is lacking to be sure.
How many lines of longitude are you talking here?. Stopping every 15 minutes for 24 hours will give you 96 lines of longitude. If that is the case, you could put a worm gear on the stepper and a 96 tooth gear on the globe. Then all you have to do is one rotation of the stepper every 15 minutes and you could probably just about ride the thing. If you wanted it to rotate between the lines of longitude slower and have fewer of them, then it is different story.