hi everyone,
I am looking for a programmable flight controller for my done. I actually found Ardupilot on sparksfun but it was not available. Can someone suggest me one? remember that it should be programmable. (better with C++).
hi everyone,
I am looking for a programmable flight controller for my done. I actually found Ardupilot on sparksfun but it was not available. Can someone suggest me one? remember that it should be programmable. (better with C++).
Hi Ali,
Welcome to the RobotShop forum.
There are many flight controllers out there.
If you want to make your own application, here are some suggestions.
We just released the Pre-Order of our Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano.
It’s an Arduino based platform that includes sensors for Drone flight.
It’s also MultiWii compatible so that means there is something to load in if you want to use it.
Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano Drone/UAV Flight Controller (with GPS)
Other than that, you can take a look at those two:
3DR APM 2.6 Autopilot System
3DR PX4 Pixhawk Advanced Autopilot
All the best,
I very agree with you looking for a open sourse flight controller, though there are a lots of flexible features on popular flight controllers, but some time we need modify any of it to suit our requrements. For programmable flight controller, I recommend a prefect article about quadcopter flight controller , which will tell you what’s differents between all of them including 3DR APM 2.6, PX4, MultiWii,CC3D,Naze32 etc. After that you can return to robotshop and purchase them. Above is my highly recommend.
The first two (APM 2.6 & PX4) run on the same software, they use the ArduPilot code.
Regarding the APM the software developpment has stopped since the hardware cannot handle more or it’s easier to use the PX4 now. Still a good lower cost flight controller and it’s core is an ATmega 2560.
MultiWii is a project that started with an Arduino board and a Nintendo Wii sensor.
It evolved and there are a lot of support for various sensors / board in the Arduino code now.
The Naze32 use a port of MultiWii for 32bit processor. It more up to date with a nice GUI system but do not use Arduino.
No problem