Program freezing (or getting stuck?) when asked to calculate large numbers

Hi Guys! Ive done buckets of trouble shooting on this, and i THINK i have identified where the problem is, but i cannt work out how to correct it. In short i am programming my CNC router (converting GCode into CNC movements)

I am working on circular interpolation. Because of the problems i have been having i have stripped back the code as far as i reasonably can. This sketch below parses out GCode instructions, interpolates 10 points between each GCode position and sends them to the Serial port in CSV format. This way i can quickly paste them into excel and live-update a scatter chart. I should be plotting a circle. Linerar interpolation works great, i am ending up with a (12 sided? Dodecagon?) circle.

circular interpolation is still causing me issues. I am using basic pythagarous to calculate the positions, and have put my calculations though a simple sketch that only does the pythagarous part and had the same result

If my reworking of the sketch on the link above is anything to go by, the problem is using pythagarous with large numbers.

If i run the sketch and leave the highlighted line as an INT, it runs through, but the math result is all wrong (repeatable on the super simple sketch)

if i make it a double, i get the correct result on the super simple sketch, but on the CNC sketch it freezes the program.

Why is the highlighted line freezing the sketch? Overflowing perhaps? How can i change the math to ensure the correct result (i think it would work if it was a double) without freezing the sketch up.

Hope this makes sense. Cheers. Olly. My sketch is below, Ive highlighted the line in Bold, line 339 if you paste it into the IDE. Sorry i cant make the forum format it as proper code for you!


#include <AccelStepper.h> // Copyright (C) 2009 Mike McCauley
#include <SD.h>
#include <math.h>

//Connect Stepper motors
AccelStepper stepperX(AccelStepper::FULL4WIRE, 7, 6, 5, 4); //Red-10, Yellow-11, Blue-9, Orange-8
AccelStepper stepperY(AccelStepper::FULL4WIRE, 14, 15, 16, 17); // Red-5, Yellow-4, Blue-6, Orange-7

//Connect SD Card
const int chipSelect = 10; // adafruit SD breakout on pins 10, 11, 12 & 13

// Connect other parts
const int Interlock = 2; // Interlock switch sensor
const int button = 3;// attach a generic button
const int pin13LED = 13; // use arduino onboard LED
const int MOT = 8; // attach tool run Motor
const int SOL = 18; // attach tool lift solenoid
const int pot = A5; // attach tool run Motor

//SD Card file
File myFile; // instance of a file
byte inbyte;
char inputCharString [100];
char inputChar;
int stringIndex = 0; // String stringIndexing int;
String stringG; // substrings store Values
String stringX;
String stringY;
String stringZ;
String stringI;
String stringJ;
int readG;// integers for saving substrings
int readX;
int readY;
int readI;
int readJ;
double h;
int prevX; // calculation ints
int prevY;
int xDist;
int yDist;
int Feed = 100000; // adjust feed speed in SPS!  max 500 (loses track at 500?)
int MaxFeed = 100000; // adjust feed speed in SPS!  max 500 (loses track at 500?)
int iter; // iterations of interpolation
int i;// iteration counter

int printX;
int printY;

boolean prevToolPos; // previous pen position, for comparison.
boolean toolDown = false; // tool position.

void setup()

  Serial.begin(9600); // Serial port

  //Define Pin Modes
  pinMode (Interlock, INPUT); // interlock sensor pin. Could return error if lid is open
  pinMode (SOL, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (MOT, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (button, INPUT);
  pinMode (pot, INPUT);
  pinMode (pin13LED, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite (MOT,LOW); // HIGH is running
  digitalWrite (SOL,HIGH); // HIGH is up

  //Setup Motors
  stepperX.setCurrentPosition(-3000); //(starting pos)

  stepperX.setMaxSpeed(Feed); // Max Feed for smooth operation
  stepperY.setMaxSpeed(Feed); // Max Feed for smooth operation
  stepperX.setAcceleration(100.0); // Acceleration not utilised
  stepperY.setAcceleration(100.0); // Acceleration not utilised
  //Initialize SD card

  // Serial.print("Motors ready, Initializing SD card...");
  pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);  // make sure that the default chip select pin is set to output, even if you don't use it:
  if (!SD.begin(10,11,12,13)) {  // see if the card is present and can be initialized:
    Serial.println("Card failed, or not present");
    while (1) ;    // don't do anything more:
  //  Serial.println("card initialized.");   //Open file to read
  myFile ="FILE.txt");// FILE NAME *******************************
  if (! myFile) {
    Serial.println("error opening file"); // If failed to open Wait forever
    while (1) ;
  digitalWrite (pin13LED, HIGH);

  //  Serial.println("Button press will Run");  //hold
  while (digitalRead (button) == LOW){   

void loop()
  //  digitalWrite (MOT, HIGH);  // Comment out this line to prevent Code controlled motor run. (Can still be run manually)*********************
    while (myFile.available()) {
      inputChar =; // Gets one byte from serial buffer

      if (inputChar != 10) // Write to string until "end of line" ascii recieved
        inputCharString[stringIndex] = inputChar; // Store it
        stringIndex++; // Increment where to write next
        { // in this bracket pair, 2dp cooridnates extracted from Gcode.
          inputCharString[stringIndex] = 0; // Add last char as ascii "void" to stop from reading the rest of the string (from prev lines longer than current one)
          String inputString = inputCharString;

          if (inputString[0] == 'G') // if line starts with a G process it, if not discard it
            stringG = inputString.substring(1,3); // extract G value

            int Xpos = inputString.indexOf('X'); //locate the position of X in the string
            int Ypos = inputString.indexOf('Y'); //locate the position of Y in the string
            int Zpos = inputString.indexOf('Z'); //locate the position of Z in the string
            int Ipos = inputString.indexOf('I'); //locate the position of Z in the string
            int Jpos = inputString.indexOf('J'); //locate the position of Z in the string

            if (Xpos > 0) {
              stringX = inputString.substring(Xpos+1,Ypos-1) ; // value for X is located between X and Y. If it exists, cut it into a substring
            } // if it doesnt exist it will remain as previous
            if (Ypos > 0) {
              stringY = inputString.substring(Ypos+1,Zpos-1) ; // value for Y is located between Y and Z. If it exists, cut it into a substring
            } // if it doesnt exist it will remain as previous

            if (Zpos > 0) {
              stringZ = inputString.substring(Zpos,Ipos-1) ; // value for Y is located between Y and Z. If it exists, cut it into a substring
            } // if it doesnt exist it will remain as previous

            if (Ipos > 0) {
              stringI = inputString.substring(Ipos+1,Jpos-1) ; // value for Y is located between Y and Z. If it exists, cut it into a substring
            } // if it doesnt exist it will remain as previous

            if (Jpos > 0) {
              stringJ = inputString.substring(Jpos+1,Jpos+10) ; // value for Z is located after the Z. no more than 10 chars needed. If it exists, cut it into a substring
            } // if it doesnt exist it will remain as previous

            if (stringZ.charAt(1) == '1') { // Pen up pen down, Z1.000000 is pen in up position
              toolDown = false;
            else    if (stringZ.charAt(1) == '-') { // Z-0.12Feed0 pen is in down position
              toolDown = true;

          // TRANSFER G STRING INTO FLOAT (2dec place)
          char carrayG[stringG.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
          stringG.toCharArray(carrayG, sizeof(carrayG)); //put readStringinto an array
          int  readG = atof(carrayG); //convert the array into an Integer
          // TRANSFER X STRING INTO FLOAT (2dec place)
          char carrayX[stringX.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
          stringX.toCharArray(carrayX, sizeof(carrayX)); //put readStringinto an array
          double  readX = atof(carrayX); //convert the array into an Integer
          // TRANSFER Y STRING INTO FLOAT (2dec place)
          char carrayY[stringY.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
          stringY.toCharArray(carrayY, sizeof(carrayY)); //put readStringinto an array
          double readY = atof(carrayY); //convert the array into an Integer

          // TRANSFER I STRING INTO FLOAT (2dec place)
          char carrayI[stringI.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
          stringI.toCharArray(carrayI, sizeof(carrayI)); //put readStringinto an array
          double readI = atof(carrayI); //convert the array into an Integer

          // TRANSFER J STRING INTO FLOAT (2dec place)
          char carrayJ[stringJ.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
          stringJ.toCharArray(carrayJ, sizeof(carrayJ)); //put readStringinto an array
          double readJ = atof(carrayJ); //convert the array into an Integer

          Serial.print("G: "); // print the values to Serial Port
           Serial.print("  X: ");
           Serial.print("  Y: ");
           Serial.print("  I: ");
           Serial.print("  J: ");
           Serial.print("  Zbool: ");
           Serial.print(toolDown); // (boolean, not value)
           Serial.print("  Feed: ");
           Serial.println(Feed); // Feed Speed
          readX = readX * 100; // convert 2dp mm into steps
          readY = readY * 100; // convert 2dp mm into steps
          readI = readI * 100; // convert 2dp mm into steps
          readJ = readJ * 100; // convert 2dp mm into steps

          //***necessary values are now populated and presented as required. actions below this line***

          // Tool position:
          if (toolDown != prevToolPos) {// compare tool pos with previous. if different from prev update
            if (toolDown == true){  
              digitalWrite (SOL,LOW);
              delay (1000);
            else if (toolDown == false){  
              digitalWrite (SOL,HIGH);
              delay (1000);

          Encountered instructions on first example "JA": Cases required for each of these instances
           GCode Parser (above) currently discards anything that doesnt start with a G, thereofre M and F dont work
           M3: Spindle Run (CW)
           F: Feed rate (Stepper max speed)
           G21: Define prgramming in mm
           G00: Rapid Position: Move fast (without cutting)
           G01: Straight line cut
           G02: Clockwise radial cut
           G03: Counter clockwise radial cut
           M5: Spindle Stop
           M2: End of Program


          case 0: // G00, fast move

            while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {
            printX = stepperX.currentPosition(); //****
            printY = stepperY.currentPosition(); //****            



          case 1:  //  G01: Straight line cut

            xDist = (readX - prevX);
            yDist = (readY - prevY);
            Feed = analogRead(pot);            // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
            Feed = map(Feed, 0, 1023, 10, MaxFeed); // converts to feed speed

              if (xDist + yDist < 500) {
              iter = 10;
            else {
              iter = 10; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 100

            for (int i=1; i <= iter; i++){



              while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {



              printX = stepperX.currentPosition(); //****
              printY = stepperY.currentPosition(); //****            





            while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {



          case 2: //   G02: Clockwise radial cut /

             PrevX: previous position
             readX: target
             readI: XOffset (+ or -)
             readJ: JOffset (+ or -)
             h = hyp
            // Feed Speed & iters
            Feed = analogRead(pot);            // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
            Feed = map(Feed, 0, 1023, 10, MaxFeed); // converts to feed speed
            iter = 10;
            // Dimensions

            xDist = (readX - prevX);
            h = sqrt(sq(readJ) + sq(readI)); // hypotenuse

            for (int i=1; i <= iter; i++){ //****************************************

              double Xmove = (xDist/iter)*i; // divide Xside into 10

              int Xside = (Xmove+readI); // length of XSide

              double Yside = sqrt (sq(h) - sq(Xside)); // <<<<<< Curves??


              while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {


              printX = stepperX.currentPosition(); //****
              printY = stepperY.currentPosition(); //****            

            } //****************************



            while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {

            printX = stepperX.currentPosition(); //****
            printY = stepperY.currentPosition(); //****            


          case 3: //   G03: Counter clockwise radial cut // CURRENTLY AS G01


          case 21: //   all units in mm


          }// end of cases    
        prevToolPos = toolDown; // update prev Pen Pos
        stringIndex = 0; // clear the String index value for the next cycle
        readG = 0;
        i = 0; // reset iteration counter
        prevX = stepperX.currentPosition(); //****
        prevY = stepperY.currentPosition(); //****
    digitalWrite (MOT, LOW);

  stepperX.moveTo(-3001); // return to park at end of job
  while (stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0 || stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0) {


oh BTW: h = 3000, XSide =

oh BTW:  h = 3000, XSide = approx 3000. Off to try and reduce everything by a factor of two, see if that helps it run.

Hmm, that comparing to 0 in
Hmm, that comparing to 0 in a while loop looks suspicious to me. Floating point number operations have an error in them, so adding (or subtracting) a lot of small numbers may give you a slightly different result than you expect – and you might end up close to, but not exactly at 0. The solution is usually to check if it’s very small, not necessarily 0.

Your code would be much
Your code would be much easier to understand and debug if you broke up the various parts of the case statement into functions. This is just style, but you’re asking for help in debugging and it will be easier to help you if you help us.

One way of debugging is to use Serial.print() to give you and us more information.

You can use long data type,

You can use long data type, which has a much greater range, but holds more space in memory.

Some code
Some code suggestions

  1. There are too many global variables that don’t need to be global. This tends to make code difficult to read and debug.
  2. You have to code to read the pot and adjust the speed at the start of each case. I would put it before the switch statement.
  3. How many bytes of flash and ram are you using?
  4. Please use functions to make your code more readable.
  5. The arduino isn’t a powerhouse of floating point math.
  6. When reading the G codes, I would use the atoi() function rather than atof().
  7. It would be good to add a default to the switch statement to throw an illegal g code error.

Those are my general suggestions.

Right now I don’t have the energy to plow through your code.