Program for 4WD autonomous with manual over-ride

Has anyone successfully set up an A4WD 1 for simultaneous autonomous mode with manual over-ride? If so, I would love to get a copy of the program…Also, if I leave the sabertooth board on “mixed”, can I go back to autonomous? I’ve got the PS2 wireless controller…thanks folks, I am a serious beginner at this stuff, any help would be most appreciated.

So you want us to do the hard stuff for you?
How about thinking about how you would go about achieving want you want to do and lay out a path forward. Maybe then we can help you out?
Just a thought.

On a more constructive note, you can certainly make selectable modes for your 4WD between autonomous and manual. The in’s and outs of this im not curtain of as i haven’t used the land rolling units but looking at the Hexapod phoenix codes will show you how these modes work.

Im running some programs at the moment and so my system is slow, and my refresh rate is taking a beating. once it stops and if i get time ill have a look at your rover code and mode select.

The code that you are looking for is fairly complex.
Steve Norris at Norris Labs has written autonomous/manual code in Propeller spin because microcontroller BASIC cannot handle the complexity of such code.
Here is a link to Steve’s Nomad project which appeared in Robot magazine issue #25 and uses autonomous/manual modes written in Propeller spin: It is the Crustcrawler Nomad HD Rover on page 32. The schematics and code can be downloaded from that on-line issue. The schematics and code will give you an idea of how complex autonomous/manual code can be. I am presently using Steve’s code and his RRCC project to control a 6 wheel skid steering rover via Xbee and it has taken me a long time to achieve autonomous/manual operation. Good Luck!

It doesn’t have to be though. You are interjecting your vision of autonomous not necessarily his. It would not be terribly difficult to make a manual override for the autonomous program we have in the tutorials. Pretty simple actually. Define a button on the remote to toggle between RC or auto. Put a decision box before the pulsout commands. If in auto mode use the auto values. If in RC mode use the RC values. He’s already got the basic stuff, I’m sure a lot of fun can be had using it. :wink: