Price increase.....

Wow, 3" tracks are up to 58.99 from 38.99. 2" tracks are up to 39.99 from 24.99. These kinds of price hikes will make your loyal customers look elsewhere. Take heed Lynxmotion.

Unfortunately our supplier doubled the cost, so we had to increase the MSRP accordingly (despite ordering in high volume).

It’s not easy to find durable modular track systems. There are many fixed length rubber track systems on the market, but almost none which can be used to make medium sized robots and none that we have found are variable in length. The Johnny Robot and Basic Micro tracks systems are very nice, but can only be used for smaller robots. If you find tracks which are of interest, we encourage you to bring them to our attention. We are looking for alternatives as well and greatly apologize for this increase.

Yes, finding nice tracks is difficult at best. These are my favorites to work with and the higher price will slow down my R&D a bit.
Thank you for the response.

We should be able to bring the price of the tracks back down. You will see the changes shortly.