Precise position control of a 360 degree servo motor


I have a project that needs a servo that rotates 0 - 360 degrees and has precise position control. Control would have to be by the Arduino. Is there any way to perform this code control?
I kind of managed to control it using a potentiometer through some code I created, but it’s not accurate. Also, the project requires me to discard the potentiometer and use the serial port to perform position control.
I will share my code if anyone is interested in helping.
Is there any way to perform this code-only control? If not, is there another way to perform position control?


#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo; 
int receber = 0;
const int servoStop = 90;
const int servoSpeed = 50; 
int potVal= 0;
int potStop= 0;
int servoStart;
int flag1 =0;
int flag2= 0;
int mapear;
int entreiaqui = 0;

void setup() { 



void loop() {

	receber = analogRead(A0);
	potVal = map (receber, 0, 1023, 0, 5400);  

	if (potVal > potStop) { 

		int potSpeed = potStop - potVal; 
		servoStart = servoStop + (servoSpeed + potSpeed); 
		if(servoStart < 0 || servoStart > 180)
			entreiaqui = entreiaqui + 1;	
			//mapear = map(servoStart, -5260, 140, 0, 180);
		flag1 = flag1 + 1;


	else if (potVal < potStop) {   

		int potSpeed = potStop - potVal;
		servoStart = servoStop - (servoSpeed - potSpeed);
		if(servoStart < 0 || servoStart > 180)
			entreiaqui = entreiaqui + 1;	
		//mapear = map(servoStart, -5260, 140, 0, 180);
		flag2 = flag2 + 1;


	else myservo.write(servoStop);

	potStop = potVal; 
	//servoStart = 0;



@Pedro_Henrique56 Which servo are you using? You mention potentiometer - would that be internal or external? Most pots in servos are limited (mechanically) in their range. Is the project itself to create the control, or can you just use something off the shelf like this:

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