Powering raspberry pi from lipo battery

can i use SBEC or switching voltage regulator it to power raspberry pi and arduino together , connecting with a 3s 2200mah lipo? does the electrical noise of sbec create problem for raspberry pi and arduino? i dont want 11v volt battery gets wasted by heat while conversion to 5 volt.

what options i have to power raspberry pi or arduino (5volt) from lipo battery? also does BEC coming from ESC is suitable for such charging?

:lightbulb: I actually was

:lightbulb: I actually was thinking of pairing the spider controller with my pi for servo control,

already have both - hadn’t thought of pulling power from the spider 



Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I use one of these

This is a little bit pricey compared to some others, but I use this to power the Pi + arduino via GPIO with pretty much any power supply, and it always gives a solid 5V. (6v NiMh, 7.4v rc lipo, 12v power supply, 12v car battery, etc)
