I am looking into selling robot parts online, and I am curious what parts you, the potential customers, would like to see.
I would most likely start out specialized in one area, like servos, or something, then branch out to things like geared motors, then other things once the business gets going.
But please if you have ideas for any of it, or suggestions for parts to sell, just reply with the info.
For example "you should sell futaba s3003 standard servos"
Or "your logo should be a bear punching a tyrannosaurus in the throat"
Even if you would just like to help with something, that would be great!
I'm really just looking for ideas for anything, I only thought of doing this today, while looking for work. Still not sure if it will work out. If it makes logistic sense then I may just give it a go.
Some of you have said it is an over done market, so if not this market, what would be a good one to partake in?
Thank you for all the comments too!!!
If most are like me…
I buy from Newark, Jameco and the like still, but not like I used too years ago. I buy most from China (hangs head in shame) when I order a servo or controller etc for a project, I order extra and try and give myself the 2-6weeks leed time I need. The awful thing is that I can over buy from China and still save money and get the same stuff. There are times that I build a project based only on in-country sources though.
Go for it
I don’t think you should compete on price alone. Maybe you shouldn’t even compete on price. Just try to keep your prices below average for a while.
What people really need is information and honesty. When I go to buy robot parts online I want to know exactly what I’m buying and maybe even some tips on how to use the thing, maybe a review from you or a cool project that you built with it. Suggest best practices and accessories and I might even buy more than I came for. Keep inventory information up to date and don’t try to sell things you don’t have. I would even go as far as hiding products that are out of stock or make it really obvious that they are out. I really hate it when I “find” a cheap/interesting product, add it to my cart and when I try to check out, I get an error message or a warning that some items will be backordered.
Putting in all this info is going to take a lot of effort but it will earn you a lot of satisfied customers that will help spread the word and it will also grow your search engine ranking.
While reading antonio’s reply
I immediately thought of http://www.embedded-lab.com Not everything that is shown is sold, but, the site covers a number of bits and pieces that one might drive with a microcontroller. PICs are prominently featured, but, I just wanted to point it out as far as showing examples on how to use parts that you sell.
sounds like an idea
that sounds like a good idea, but it may lead to people just using the site for ideas, which would be cool, but not profitable at all. if i do this though, i will most likely do something like this to some respect.
This would be a concern, but
This would be a concern, but if I can get the right customer base then it could work out
I actually considered doing the same!
Go for it! However, it’s true that you need to give people reasons to choose you over all the other big online sellers. Take for example Terry from Yourduino. Not only is he part of LMR, but yourduino also had very convenient electronic components bundles as well as VERY cheap prices. I think it really set it apart from big online sellers. Another thing, of course, would be to sell your own products (take for example Chris and Rocket Brand Studio - if I remember well).
Which also reminds me of business vs entrepreneurship. In business, there are competitors and it all comes down to who has the best quality / price ratio. In entrepreneurship, you convince people to buy something new, and you don’t have competitors in the traditional sense of the word. In short, you’re offering a new solution to a problem.
My two cents.
That sounds right, i might
That sounds right, i might just try to sell kit things, and componant bundle idea would be great too.