Portable Arduino Bot | RobotShop Community

I have designed this Portable Arduino Bot. This robot is small, compact, durable and fully equid with LEDs, switch, buzzer, etc. you can also equip the bot with the sensor that would work with your project. I also want to encourage kids to program and what is a better way to do so by infusing the project with the Star War themes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/portable-arduino-bot

Hi @bipescoutk,

You have designed a very small and cute robot :smiley:

Since you mentioned that it can be used further with additional sensors, as a portable testing platform or a piece of sci-fi, I would like to see for what purpose did you use it for.

You also mentioned one bot with sound option. Could we maybe see a video with sound, how is it working?

Thank you!

Hi there,

This is the video of the robot singing its “national anthem” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fv4zDYVLHY

I will use this bot for my future Wind Generator project, where I can connect the bot to the station to get its data.

Thank you


Sounds cool :smiley:

I suggest you put this link also in your robot description: https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/portable-arduino-bot

It can help you to win the June prize :smiley:

Thank you for the suggestion, I just did. :smiley:
It would be cool to win something :sunny:

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