Polyplasticy goodness

Been rummaging around every local store in search for the perfect container for the M134 controls (read lunchbox)

And so after heavily customizing an ikea 'lunchable-accessories' box I happen upon one of my favorite mischellaneous electronics sites, the one where you put all the crap that really doesnt work in a shiny aerodynamic case that makes whatever whizzbang youve made look really professional, and as an added bonus make anyone operating it and not getting it to work feel like a complete idiot.

So after breaking the bankroll yet again I have enough shiny doodad containers to last...a few weeks. :D

what the hell
dont mean to be rude but every post you make is a damn riddle ,i have no idea what your talking about.

*plot thickening goodness,

*plot thickening goodness, that or I was just taking a few editorial liberties on the account of caffeine.

albeit I’m pretty sure I did a semi-thorough spellcheck, I can very well elaborate.

Polyplastic (the company that makes the shiny boxy goodness) make excellent containers for housing

shiny diy debugging devices cellphones and or VHF transmitters in a fashion that makes the thing feel a bit more professional (even if its made up of paperclips and paper towels.)almost completely voiding the need to vacuum form and/or reinvent the lunchbox aproach.

**what **
still got no idea

He said buy those cases
He said buy those cases because they are good.

oh ok and that other post ?

figure it out. i really
figure it out. i really don’t think LMR needs any more jerks.

yeah ur right sorry, i should take more time and be more considerate

Don’t feel bad I am just as
Don’t feel bad I am just as confused about his posts. At first I thought he was a spambot because those usually dont make a lot of sense either.

thanks :smiley: no hard feelings,
thanks :smiley: no hard feelings, i hope, i was just feeling snappy that day

#10yearschallenge :rofl: