The wheels are 6 cm of radius. The connection from the motors to the drivers are these: 2B : Blu 2A : Red 1A : Black 1B : Green
The VMOT is 19V (I used a notebook powe pack : 19v and 6.7A)
The current is set to max (1A)
The problem is : The motor doesn't have enough torque to move the wheel quickly. But many robots with the same hardware had fast acceleration. The motor is locked
Have you checked if the Have you checked if the wheels are truly going along with the motors? The point where the wheels connect to the motor is always a weak point.
One of the problems with stepper motors is that they usually don’t have much torque.
One of the good things is that they don’t need need an encoder as long as you keep track of the number of steps.
you mention Vmot = 19v, but, you don’t tell us what you are using to supply the power. If your power is from a whole slew of alkaline batteries, you may as well attach a lead weight to the top and hope gravity works in your favor. Alkaline batteries don’t have the ability to supply enough current.
Make sure to enable microstepping pulling all M pins high.
Make sure the current is well regulated; the driver doesn’t get too hot and the motor doesn’t overheat.
Use the timer in microseconds and don’t use delays in code, as you want it to be responsive to change from sensors. You can hold torque by sending step forward and step backward at a fast rate or go full step to get greater torque. Accelleration is essential and it’s done by decreasing delay between steps, depending on the load they can go at full speed after 1ms or 2s.
Then every couple of motor/drivers have slightly different parameters to work at best. I recommend using good placed heatsinks. DVR8825 drivers can also do 1/32 microstepping, which can improve control.
Same force*speed, but you get to decide better how to distribute speed and power.
For example a 1/16 microstep at 1000000us delay it has as much torque as holding torque(kg/cm) and moves at a almost unnoticeable speed, the same microstep at 20us delay (after accellerating) can go at >800 rpm, with a stall torque of a few grams. Too small delay and the motor just stall because it hasn’t enough force to win rotor inertia.
He needs to compare the motors he is using with the motors others are using. Just because someone else used nema 17 motors doesn’t mean those motors have the same specifications. You can’t expect the same performance unless everything is identical.