Plexiebot - my first robot

This is my first robot that I made with an Arduino. It's made of two pieces of plexiglas. The upper piece stands on 3 threaded rods. The motors are attached with hot glue and the IR sensor is also glued with hot glue on the servo. The robot works very well now and it was very fun to make it. I have also put a small camera on the robot. In the future I will maybe change the code in the robot so it will follow instead. I will also change the sensor to an ultrasonic sensor.


update 1

So I have been experimenting and I made a new code for the robot. So now the robot will look left and right when it's running that will make so the robot would not get stuck. The new code looks very messy so I need to make some adjustments. I have recently put a button on the robot. That button I will use latter so I can change the mode on the robot. Such as follow or avoid and also follow a line.






Navigating with IR and looks for the best way.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors and one servo
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino duemilanove - ATmega328
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 4 AA NiMH, 9v battery for the Arduino
  • Programming language: Arduino Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR GP2D12
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice work. Simple and clean.

Nice work. Simple and clean. I love the wheels.

You used a H bridge on your
You used a H bridge on your first robot ? Cool well done!!

** Could you please public**


Could you please public the code ?

Nice work.

Nice work.

thank you

thank you

nice Job! Where did you get those wheels?

Can you show us more

The wheels

The wheels I bought from ebay and I will maybe show more when I have updated it.

Nice ,I tried your code but

Nice ,I tried your code but it need improvment!


Just to throw this out there --It is quite rare that one can take a program and be able to swap it directly into a different robot. It is far more likely that the code needs improvement to work with YOUR platform. As I see it (as shown in the top video) the code is working quite well.

I would suggest using code from other people as a guide or example allowing you to write your own code instead of “copy/paste --doesn’t work, the code must be bad”.

Can I see it

So can I see your robot in action with my code on it?

Thanks for the update. Are

Thanks for the update. Are you using something like this tip to control the button mode function?