Plastic rivits not working

I’m very disappointed with the quality of the plastic rivits in my 6DOF arm. The two “shoulder” servos won’t stay put. They are lose and the arm collapses. The rivits won’t stay tight and the holes are very lose.

Why is this? Have I done something wrong?

Yes, you have… All you have to do is push the fastener in. One person in 500 will inevitably take them apart, put one part in the Lexan put in the servo, then push in the other part of the fastener. But it doesn’t work that way. Just put the servo in from the bottom of the Lexan part, hold it in this position while pushing the entire two piece nylon rivet fastener in from the top. Do this for all four holes. It will push in with little effort, and be an extremely tight fit. Try again and let me know if you are still having difficulty. Thanks!