Pixhawk 2.1 inconsistent sensors

I am unable to get Pixhawk 2.1 (Cube) to believe it’s stationary even when it’s sat on the floor. There is jitter on the baro and the accelerometer sensors all the time. I’ve repeated the calibration procedure many times in Ardupilot Mission Planner but no different. I’m beginning to believe it may be a hardware problem. Help!

Hi there,

I would suggest you contact the manufacturer directly for a better and more accurate troubleshooting of the unit: [email protected]

Not a very good answer when it was purchased from you 4 weeks ago! What about warranty? Is in not YOUR responsibility to help, rather than fob me off to the manufacturer direct? Under EU rules, a trader must repair , replace, reduce the price or give you a refund if goods you bought turn out to be faulty or do not look or work as advertised. You are the trader, not the manufacturer!

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.