PIRRH, the cylidrical hexapod

I have an old topic with the robot in the project section, but I thought it might be good to start a new one as this is a remake of the failed first attempt :wink:

Pirrh (derived from Piradiusradius*height), which stands for Portable Intelligent Round Rolling Hexapod, is a hexapod with quite a different design. If I constructed it right, it will have some interesting features. The first and most obvious is that it can roll with it’s body if it pushes us the speed with its legs. It could be able to climb through vertical tubes that have a somewhat similar diameter as the robot itself. Two of the legs is easily used as pincers as it is easy to balance it by rotating it upwards. The most problematic i see is walking like a normal hexapod. I hope the useful angles isn’t too tight so that the steps will be too short.

So far i only have so much to show, but its really coming together now. Once I receive the spacers i need i can start assemble it.

I’m having a little headache regarding the batteries. At first I was looking at LiPo, though felt it was too complicated and expensive. I can’t seem to find any decent NiMh batteries at 6v. Maybe I’ll have to use two batteries… what do you think?


Check the battery on that site. I order often for RC stuf.

I have a bunch of those.
hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh … oduct=9967

You will need a LIPO charger but there is many on that site, starting 23$

Hope it will help

Eric Nantel
Qc Canada